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Hey friend! I'm Jaden! Wife, photographer, mom of 2, Georgia Southern Grad! Waking up every morning living my best life, working on my dream, and meeting amazing people along the way!


3 Reasons to Schedule your Fall Savannah Family Session NOW! | Jaden Giorgianni Photography

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It seems crazy to think about fall/holiday family photos in August but the truth is August is the best time to start thinking about and even booking your family session. Here are 3 reasons why scheduling early is the right move when it comes to fall family photos in Savannah!

family of five in Forsyth Park having fall family photos taken

Check it off the list

One less thing as we get into the fall and holiday season especially if you are one of those people who book a family session every year. Reaching out to your photographer now and not waiting until the 11th hour benefits you because you can get a great date that really fits your schedule and it helps your photographer as they plan their calendar and accept bookings.

Booking a date doesn’t mean you have to schedule in the next 2 weeks – I currently have dates open through the end of the year so clients who are “booking” with me now can choose a November date, if they want. I also have families who are booking the week leading up to and after Christmas because they know they are having the whole family in town and they want to make sure they have a date for photos scheduled!

family of four in Forsyth Park having fall family photos taken

Give yourself extra time to order holiday cards and gifts

If you are planning to order holiday cards or photos gifts (which are the best gifts – especially for grandparents) scheduling your session for sooner rather than later is a great idea. It helps with a few things… 1. you have it done and taken care of 2. you allow for editing turn around times 3. you have time to think about what you want to order, place the order, and not panic or have to pay extra for on time shipping.

If the last minute stress of ordering cards makes you skip it all together even though you keep telling yourself you are going to get it together and send cards out this year this is your sign!! Booking now and scheduling a Sept/Oct date will help you take the stress away – you’ll be ahead of the game!

family of four sitting on a brick wall on Bluff Drive in Savannah Georgia

Holiday schedules are crazy!

Do I need to elaborate on this? LOL!! Between sports, school events, football (which I know is a sport but in the south deserves its own category), your schedule, your photographer’s schedule, weather, etc. there is A LOT going on in the fall especially as the holidays get closer. Booking early and scheduling a Sept/Oct date will help with the stress and the uh oh you may run into if you wait too long and your favorite photographer is booked up.

family of 4 in downtown Savannah's Washington Square for fall family photos

Ok…I’ve convinced you, now what?

Well – take a minute right now and reach out to your family photographer! If that’s me ☺️ click the link below and fill out a contact form so I can get back to you will booking information! If that isn’t me, go to their website and fill out a contact form. Do it…right now!! You won’t regret booking early and skipping the stress of waiting until the last minute and your photographer will love you for it!!

Ready to schedule your Savannah family session?

Click the link below and let me become your favorite Savannah family photographer (if I’m not already!!) I can’t wait to see all my favorite clients this fall and to meet so many new families!

Contact Jaden Giorgianni Photography

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the senior cheatsheet
The only guide you need for senior pictures

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Hey friend! I'm Jaden! Wife, photographer, mom of 2, Georgia Southern Grad! Waking up every morning living my best life, working on my dream, and meeting amazing people along the way!

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