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the senior cheatsheet
The only guide you need for senior pictures

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Hey friend! I'm Jaden! Wife, photographer, mom of 2, Georgia Southern Grad! Waking up every morning living my best life, working on my dream, and meeting amazing people along the way!


Savannah Photographer | What’s coming in 2025

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I’m excited for another year as a small business owner!! During 2024 my business turned 5! Studies show more than half of all small businesses fail by year 5 and I’m officially over here beating the odds!!

When I first decided to start a business my main goal was not to quit, no matter what, until my business turned 5. I told myself after that anniversary I would take a step back if needed and make decisions but that I would give it 100% until then even if I never booked a session.

I’m happy to report you all have been amazing with the support and the bookings so I won’t be considering closing down and giving up, I’m here for it for many more year!

Today I’m sharing some of the things I have planned for 2025. Like everything in life, I’m sure there will be some shifts and changes but as I plan my goals for the year I’m really looking forward to 2025 and everything I have planned!

Business Coaching and Educational Content

It’s about to be officially official…I’m stepping into the world of business coaching and educational content!! I’ve quietly been offering coaching to small business owners for most of 2024 but an opportunity has presented itself for 2025 that will push me a little deeper into the education pool.

I’m happy to announce I’m going to be part of The Seniorologie Bundle – it’s a resource being put together by Seniorologie full of educational products geared toward helping senior photographers take their businesses to the next level. I’m creating a course (name TBD) all about how automation keeps my business a float, allows me to work when I want to work, and ensures I don’t miss important client things along the way.

I’ll be offering a module of the course in The Seniorologie Bundle – so if this is something that might interest you, or you’re interested in senior photography CLICK HERE to check out the bundle info page.

photographer wearing a dark blue shirt sitting at a desk typing on a laptop

More Emails

I’m planning to up my email game a bit in 2025 so if you are on my email list expect to hear from me a little more! Not like clothing store with the name on the front of the sweater in bold letters more but a little bit more. Currently I send a monthly newsletter, bi-weekly blog, and sometimes I’ll get on a bit of a run with a sale or special, or when I’m looking for votes for Connect Savannah’s Best of competition (lol). In 2025 I’m looking to add maaaaaaaaybe 2 more emails a month on the off weeks for the blog, but maybe just 1. TBD

I will also be sending a few more emails when I’m running a sale or special this year. During the holiday season there’s this one company that sent me at LEAST 4 emails a day about every item in their store over a 4 month time period and if they can be that pushy and I still didn’t unsubscribe it wouldn’t kill me to send a few more sales emails – I mean I am here to sell a service and/or products. So bear with me or unsubscribe if needed – I don’t even look so you won’t bother me at all (I can’t get the emoji bar to come up so insert wink face here)

JGP Equine

I’m still plugging along over at JGP Equine – 2024 was a good year and I’m looking forward to an even better 2025! One of the big things I did over this last year was work on my editing skills when it comes to the fine art (black background) portraits. I’m very happy with where I’ve landed and I’ve been working on re-editing some of my older work to reflect the new skills I’ve acquired.

If you or anyone you know has a horse in their lives and would like to invest in fine art equine portraits send them my way!! JGP Equine

collage of 3 fine art black background horse photos taken in Savannah Georgia by JGP Equine

Savannah Georgia Senior Sessions

2024 was a great year for senior sessions! I doubled the number of single bookings and met so many great seniors along the way! Not much is changing in 2025 as far as the senior side of my business goes. I know the class of 2026 is going to be my best class yet and I honestly can’t wait to start meeting the next class!

If you are graduating in 2025, spring dates with all of Savannah’s floral beauty are open for booking and if you are graduating in 2026 spring and summer dates are also open! It’s never too early to book your senior session – we can book it today and schedule it for spring or summer! Check out everything seniors with the link below!

Senior Session Information

Senior Experience Team

The class of 2026 will be my 5th Senior Spokesmodel Team and I’m excited for the things I have planned for the year!  A senior team is a great way for me to keep working on my portrait posing, test locations, and provide a select number of senior students the opportunity to have senior photos taken year round in different places in a fun group environment.

In March I’ll be hosting my BIGGEST senior team shoot to date – it’s going to be such a great shoot and I can’t wait to share it with everyone. I’ve been planning it for almost a year now and I know it’s going to be one of the best shoots ever!!

If you think The Senior Experience Team is something you would like to know more about or you know someone who is graduation in 2026, check out the link below for more information and to get on the waitlist to receive an application before they go out to the public!

Senior Experience Team

collage of the class of 2025 senior experience team

Savannah Georgia Spring Mini Sessions

The fate of the spring mini session is still up in the air. I have a lot of big spring things planned and honestly putting in the work for this might not be top of plate. I have started a VIP List and with enough interest I will take a second look mid-February. If a spring mini session is something you might be interested in get on the VIP LIST (CLICK HERE) so I know you are interested. I can say IF spring minis happen they won’t be until the end of March or beginning of April.

Savannah Mini Sessions Fall 2025

I know fall of 2025 seems like a long time from now but I’ve already got my calendar open and things are being pencilled in. I do know Milk & Cooking minis will be back for another year (this will make the 6th year!!) and they will follow the same format as usual. A 5-7 minute session that includes 2 digital images, which you choose from an online gallery, for $65.

I’ve already started a VIP List so if you are planning to come again this year or are interested in hearing more about it as the year progresses go ahead and get on the VIP list! CLICK HERE FOR THAT!

Much like spring minis The Mini Experience Fall will be based on interest. If they come back I’ll be back in Forsyth Park again this year – feedback this year backed my suspicion that Forsyth is really the best spot to host a mini session for the fall. You can go ahead and put yourself down for information on these sessions – I’m going to make a decision on these in July/August-ish and being on the VIP list means you’ll have first access. CLICK HERE FOR THAT!

Tybee Mini Sessions Fall 2025

Tybee minis sessions will be back for 2025!! and guys this year I promise I’ll wait until SEC football schedules are released before picking a date…

They will still be in October – the light was great this year and the temperature couldn’t have been better but I’ll either find a UGA bye week or switch to a Sunday evening. If you would like to be notified about Tybee Christmas Minis in 2025 put yourself on the VIP list! CLICK HERE FOR THAT!

Stay Tuned for More!

I love what I am able to do by working for myself and I’m happy to be lucky enough to continue doing this in 2025. If you want more information from me about anything seniors, families, and now equine feel free to reach out anytime! You can find more information about me and my business as well as contact information with one of the links below!

Jaden Giorgianni Photography

JGP Equine

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the senior cheatsheet
The only guide you need for senior pictures

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Hey friend! I'm Jaden! Wife, photographer, mom of 2, Georgia Southern Grad! Waking up every morning living my best life, working on my dream, and meeting amazing people along the way!

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